• Cell groups / Home Groups
  • Weekly Prayer Meeting
  • Sunday School
  • Youth Groups
  • University & College Students
  • Courses

Regular Activities and Events

Day Time Activity
Sunday 10:30 am Morning Meeting

Information for Students

Student Contact: Will & Ariane Briggs
Student Contact Phone: 0131 629 6119
Student Contact Email: students@kingschurchedinburgh.org
Student Meeting: Sunday lunch (every Sunday)and various other student meetings throughout the term

King's Church Edinburgh King's Church Edinburgh King's has a vibrant and friendly student community. We love welcoming new students and helping them get stuck into church and life in Edinburgh. Every Sunday after our morning meeting, someone from the wider church will host a free student lunch. This will help you get to know people in church, and is another way of using food to build community! We encourage you to join a midweek small group at King's where you can share life with people of all ages and stages. Small Groups are places you can grow in your faith and find support and encouragement. Our hope is that students become integral parts of life at King's and committed to building the kingdom of God in Edinburgh. That could look like taking discipleship courses, making Alpha happen or joining one of our weekly serving teams. We have missional and community events to help our students look outwards and give back to this amazing city. We want King's to be your home during your time in Edinburgh.

  • Leaders:

    Luke Davydaitis (Leader)

    Chris Rawson (Leader)

    Dan Hudson (Leader)

  • Congregation size:


Origin South Africa